
Teeth Dreams & More

I get these dreams sometimes, lately more often than before, where my teeth get loose and fall out like I was six years old again. But in my dreams, I'm my own age. And I'll bite down hard, and blood fills my mouth and I try to get my teeth back in their correct places but they move and I can feel the roots pulling and moving and twisting causing extreme pain and discomfort. Yuck. And I'll wake up in absolute disgust, feeling my teeth with my fingertips to verify my teeth are still intact. These kinds of dreams are worse than dreams of death to me.

On the subject of dreams, I was laying in bed this morning and I allowed myself to get lost among the most creative of my thoughts. What if dreams were real life, and when we woke, we were really asleep? Say falling asleep was waking, and waking was falling into sleep. Can you fully grasp that thought? Stop, and think about it for a moment. (If that were the case, then how would that change your meaning of life?)

And on the subject of creative thinking, I remembered something I used to do as a child. I would lay my back on the living room floor and look at the ceiling. Up my feet would go, and soon hanging lights would turn into tables, and recess lighting would turn into floor lights. I would invision the textured ceiling as the new floor, and would let my imagination carry my feet around this upside down house. It was an entirely new and undiscovered land to me. It was my own.