
Oh, Hello October

I just got done working out at the rec. It seems like whenever I see people anymore, they always ask me "What are you doing here? Didn't you graduate already?" No, people. I am still in school, and I still belong here for another 73 days. Then I am OUT. Out, out, out. I'm sitting on the end of my bed, staring at the clean clothes mixed with the dirty ones on my floor. There's one drawer open on my dresser, and another drawer is broken. This ethernet wire is spiraled around my room and weaves in and out of undergarments. Dishes. Oh, the dishes. They have thrown up all over my kitchen, and even prevent me from eating sometimes. And when I say sometimes, I mean right now. My neighbor directly below me loves metal music, especially at midnight. And I can recognize the clomping of my neighbor to the left's foot steps because it sounds like he has fifty pound weights attached to his soles. I could really go for a snack, and somebody to watch Seinfeld with. Or a dog. I miss being in Spokane, with my family and Benny. And I take all the chances I get to go home. It's pathetic, really. But hey, what makes a girl happy, makes her happy. And I'll just do what makes me happy for right now.

So goodnight dishes in the sink. Broken drawers and internet wires. Sweet dreams neighbor to the left and neighbor below me. So long September. And oh, hello October.