I. "Dream a little dream" is how the saying goes. It limits all the people to little dreams. Big dreams, medium dreams, even enormous dreams are obviously out of the question. Little is all we get. I bet right here you would argue against the saying, defending your freedom for dreams of any caliber. Yeah, I would too. No body likes limits, in fact, most times limits create motivation. And I'm so glad the human race was created with this immediate default.
II. When I was little, I would dread rainy spring days. Those were the days of worms. I had to walk half a block uphill to the bus stop, and there would be worms all around me. I would close my eyes and imagine them fighting from within the soil, struggling to reach the asphalt just to be in my path. Sick creatures really. Slimy, and squirmy. And I'm not certain about their anatomy, but they seem to be lacking several important parts that I look for in a desirable being. I like fur, and eyes. Yeah, those are the two main ones, I suppose.
III. I think it's very funny that if you ask someone to tell you about themselves, they will search deeply to find things that are unique, and completely different to be separated from everyone else. Go on, try it. "Tell me about yourself." Everyone will tell you something that won't be true for your own life. We are all so afraid of being 'normal,' but anyone who isn't 'normal' is 'weird.' Maybe that's just our hateful society. Or maybe its our fear of being forgotten. We want to be special, and interesting, and some want to be shocking. No one wants to do the same thing that his neighbor is doing. Because then we would be 'boring.' And we would rather be normal, than boring. Humans are pretty pathetic if you really sit and think on it, but still we are remarkable, miraculous beings. We are so predictably spontaneous.